The baby is as big as a honeydew this week. Funny, that kind of looks like the shape of my belly right now! He is almost 19 inches long and around 4.5 pounds according to the baby center app on my phone. Crazy. We only have 8 (well, 7.5 really) weeks left and we're getting very excited.
New Since Last Blog Post: We had our maternity photo session with Erica Haller this week and it was very exciting. We found her at a baby expo in Hamilton, NJ and I'm so glad that I did because she really knows what she's doing. Kevin isn't the biggest fan of couple photo shoots (what husband is?) but she made him feel so comfortable and I actually think he was enjoying it. I'll post a sneak-peek on here during my next blog post.
Doing the maternity session reminded me just how close we are now. This little guy is getting so big and the fact that I'm far enough along to have my professional belly pics done is just wild to me. I remember booking this session three months ago thinking, "wow, I'll be so pregnant then". And I was right! It was so fun being with Kevin for this and putting all of our attention on this growing belly of mine.
How I'm feeling: I read in all the pregnancy blogs that many women are having insomnia and trouble sleeping during their third trimester. I must be lucky because I've actually been sleeping better these past few weeks! Maybe I just got this pregnant-sleeping routine down by now, but other than getting up to pee 3-4 times a night, I actually am having no problems at night. We'll see if this lasts.
Food: Whoever invented peanut butter is my hero. Seriously, I'm keeping JIF in business with this pregnancy. Today I made a peanut butter and cream brownie cake (recipe) with my new spring form pan and I can't wait to see how it turned out. I'm also loving cold fruits these past few weeks and icy things - like water ice and smoothies.
Movement: He moves all day and I love it. Some days it's more than others, but I can feel him completely turning around and standing on my bladder when he does it! It's pretty amazing to feel and watch.
Most looking forward to: My OB appointments are becoming more frequent now and I find it very exciting because that means that we're going to meet our little guy soon. I'm hoping for another ultrasound at some point because we haven't seen him since 19 weeks.
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