Wednesday, May 30, 2012

19 Week Update

We know the baby's gender! We had our anatomy ultrasound this week and it was absolutely amazing. Baby H is weighing at 11oz. and a few days ahead of schedule. Everything looked perfect and we got some pretty amazing shots of our little October pumpkin (see pics below). We're sticking to the baby shower invitations as our "gender announcement" so as soon as those are in the mail this weekend, we'll do the big reveal on here and on facebook. We can't wait to officially share the news!!

Right now, the baby is the size of a large mango and about 6 inches in length. Between this and next week, the baby will grow significantly. I'm feeling him/her kick around all day now and it's a pretty amazing feeling.

New this week: Well, I already said it, but we know what Baby H is and that's been pretty incredible. After months of thinking about colors for the nursery, names and what sport(s) this little one will play, we finally have so many questions answered! We can't wait to share the news. 

How I'm feeling: Still pretty amazing. I started a prenatal yoga class that has helped to stretch out my back and hips. I'll continue to go to this since it was recommended by my Doctor and many friends who just had babies. I'm having a lot of hip pain at night and if I'm on my feet too much during the day - I read this is from a hormone called relaxin, but there is NO RELAXIN' that this stuff causes!! It should be renamed "wake-your-ass-up-in"

Food: My food highlight of the week was a cannoli cake that we had at Larissa & Mike's house on Sunday. We picked it up from a fresh food market in Holmdel, near their house, but it was the perfect balance of icing to cake to cannoli filling. Yum! 

Movement: Yup! And lots of it now :)

What I miss: Still wine. And maybe a beergarita now that the weather is nice. 

Most looking forward to: The baby shower invitations going out this weekend with the gender reveal in them!!!

1 comment:

  1. um, hello? bump picture?!?!?! yeesh, lady! and that face already looks adorable, which is pretty rare for a 19-weeker, i think.
